
:::Summer Instalife:::

Sweet Summer: BBQ's, Messy Hair, Jean Cutoffs, Barefeet, Hot Heat, Cold Beers, Watering Holes, Short Skirts, Weddings, Travels

   I haven't given myself a second to sit down and work on my blog (or anything else for that matter) since the summer air blew in. For the past month I've been traveling the West Coast and the Midwest. I go to sleep at odd hours and wake up at strange times. I've been connecting with friends I haven't seen from months to years, and meeting new friendly faces. I went from Monterey --->Portland--->Minnesota--->Wisconsin--->Portland--->Monterey. I've worked at the restaurant I love, made good money, romped all over Portland meeting new faces, drank whiskey underneath the hot sun, thrifted and found some of my new favorite vintage treasures, climbed through rivers, climbed over mountains, spent quality time with my parents, gotten in the best shape I've been in in years, and had the time of my life...and summer's just started. 

The other day a good friend gave me the best advice: "You're 24, you can do whatever the hell you want." and it's true. As long as the bills are paid and I'm happy, my life is mine. This is the first time that I don't have to worry about school, worry about answering to somebody, worry about money (for the most part), I am free to follow my dreams and certainly have a good start on doing just that.  

"There is nowhere to go but everywhere, so keep on rolling under the stars"
-Jack Kerouac

(The final image is credited to Sara Kiesling)

1 comment :

  1. To infinity, Moon! My tides will chase you across the earth as you move through the stars...
