
Rough Around the Edges

Journal Entry: October 4th 2013

I like people who are a little bit rough around the edges; a little bit messy. I like people who have been through some tough shit, people who have a hard shell to crack, people who have had broken hearts...just trying to find the pieces. At first I thought that was me being selfish, being a generally happy and positive individual...but that's not it. I've been through some shit too. I've had a broken heart, I've lost love, I've grieved, I've had money problems, I've not been able to find my creativity, I've been downhearted...but I've always been able to find myself again. I enjoy seeing a work in progress, seeing a starving artist smile, seeing a homeless person make a connection, seeing an ex-addict finding health again...moving on...moving up. Because that's what people are meant to do, we are meant to keep on moving, to keep on living. I would like to photograph it all...the heartbreak, the downfall...but I have had a lot of people deny me when I ask to take their photograph during hard times. I understand their hesitation, but I also wish they would realize that there is a beauty in hardship.There is nothing more important than coming out of downfall with a new mindset, a new life, and happiness...to prove your strength to yourself. I think that will be a new goal of mine, to photograph people going through something, or working something out within themselves...maybe for a trade...maybe a dollar, or a meal...i'm rambling now...

Be patient

Be fine
Be balanced 
Be kind

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